March 01, 2023 / Papanastasiou Pantelis

How Papanastasiou & Co can help you.

A few words about us...


📌 We help businesses to:

  • Plan their idea better and open the business of their dreams
  • Create their business plan
  • Fund their business by improving their product/service and infrastructure
  • They manage their debts and property better
  • Improve the organization and change their way of thinking
  • They manage their staff and working conditions more effectively
  • Aim to grow and remain sustainable.

🎯 How?

1. Through Workshops                                                                                                                2. Seminars                                                                                                                                    3. Οf the counseling we provide                                                                                            4.We educate entrepreneurs to receive the supplies, tools and methodologies to develop their business.                                                                                                                    

📌 Our company operates in the field of consulting and provides services that belong to 4 main pillars:

  1. New Entrepreneurship

We contribute to the design of the idea, the creation of the business plan, financial management, financing as well as its implementation.

  1. Family Businesses

We help solve everyday problems, manage conflicts and organize them.

  1. Business Transformation

We support the transformation and culture change of existing businesses.

  1. Education

Through trainings and workshops we train entrepreneurs to acquire the way of thinking, the appropriate resources and knowledge to develop and become competitive.